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Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical healing interventions in the world, and it along with Oriental medicine is used by approximately 1/4 of the entire world’s population. Originating in China roughly 3,000 year ago, acupuncture involves the insertion of filiform needles at specific areas in the body called acupoints. These acupoints lie on meridians or channels that course throughout the body and meet at the head. Acupuncture works to manipulate and reestablish a healthy flow of Qi or vital force/energy in the body. Qi flows through the body in a cyclical manner through 12 major meridians or channels in the body that correspond to organs and organ networks.

Acupoint Injection Therapy

Acupoint Injection therapy utilizes Traditional Chinese Medicine's meridian system by stimulating acupuncture points with the

injection of small amounts of medicinal/botanical

substances therefore obtaining a dual effect of acu-point stimulation and the pharmacological effect of the substance injected.


Cupping therapy involves the placement of glass cups over the back, abdomen, legs, or arms after a vacuum is created inside the cup with a fire source (cotton ball soaked in alcohol). Cups are then placed on the skin creating this vacuum which pulls the tissues up into the cup and acts to help decongest the circulation in that area. Cups can be left in placed or moved around on the back in what is called "massage cupping" which feel quite relaxing to tense muscles on the back.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a technique with similar actions to that of cupping therapy. The technique is performed by the use of a flat, smooth object either made of plastic, horn, or jade which is taken and rubbed over the skin, usually in the area of the upper back. Oil is placed on the skin before the rubbing process begins in order to make the process more comfortable. It is an excellent technique for pain conditions and at the early sign of a cold where there are body aches. The Gua Sha technique helps to break up this stagnation and allow the microcirculation of the tissues to be normalized.


Moxa therapy is used to warm regions and acupoints on the body with the intention to increase circulation of Qi and Blood to area, warm metabolic activity, and expel cold and stagnation from areas of hypometabolic activity in the body. Medical historians believe that moxabustion actually predates the use of acupuncture needles in Oriental medical therapies.


Herbal medicine is one of the oldest medical interventions that have been employed by man on ever continent. The oldest written record of the study of herbs is attributed to the Sumerians 5000 years ago. The first herb book from China is dated around 200 BC. Both eastern and western cultures have long used and cataloged the functions and indications of herbal medicines that have been passed down for generations to us today. It is estimated that 25% of the pharmaceutical drugs used in the US come from plant sources. Until the turn of the 20th century herbal medicine was in integral part of healing in America as it was practiced by Eclectic physicians. Today, medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists and other employ the use of herbal medicine to aid in the healing of their patients.


Qigong originates from China and used to maintain well-being and health. It is an ancient gentle exercise. Qigong incorporates subtle movements, breathing, and focused intention. The Qigong means exercises that cultivate energy. Many people find it relaxing and very meditative. It has many benefits and is used in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and health.  

Placenta Encapsulation

Placental encapsulation is the practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills. It is taken by the mother and is believed to impart numerous health benefits. It is taken shortly after giving birth, and can be taken during a woman’s menstrual period, or during menopause with the belief that it helps counter some of the symptoms of menopause.

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